Revenues which must be listed in the budget in accordance with relevant regulations, may not be concealed or incompletely listed, and the abnormal receipts in the previous year may not be taken as the basis for the compilation of the budgetary revenues. 按照规定必须列入预算的收入,不得隐瞒、少列,也不得将上年的非正常收入作为编制预算收入的依据。
The capital expenditures budget and the budgeted income statement provide data for the cash budget, or statement of budgeted cash receipts and disbursements. 资本支出预算和预计损益表都为现金预算即预计的现金收支汇总表提供了资料。
He declared that funds disbursed from a discretionary budget through fake receipts had been used for secret diplomatic missions and pledged he would rather sacrifice for the national interest than reveal the details of those missions. 他声称,利用虚假发票报销的国务机要费,都用在了秘密外交任务上,而他宁愿为国家利益牺牲,也不会泄露那些任务的细节。
Budgetary defray is to point to include various finance the budget, expenditure that plans with budgetary receipts. 预算支出是指列入各级财政预算、用预算收入安排的支出。
The business report for the previous fiscal year shall: review the implementation of the business plan; review budget implementation; provide an analysis of receipts, expenditures, and profitability; and examine research& development work. 前一年度营业结果应就上年度营业计划实施成果、预算执行情形、财务收支及获利能力分析、研究发展状况等予以检讨,作成说明。
Prepare for each department within the organization a cash budget of planned cash receipts, cash payments, and cash balance, scheduled month-by-month for the coming year. 企业内部各部门要准备一个有关现金收支及余额的现金预算计划。
"Approving annual financial reports, budget of receipts and expenditures, distribution plan of annual profits" 批准年度财务报表、收支预算、年度利润分配方案
Approving annual financial reports, budget of receipts and expenditures, distribution plan of annual profits; adopting major rules and regulations of the company; 批准年度财务报表、收支预算、年度利润分配方案;通过公司的重要规章制度;
Budgeting of all government revenues and expenditures; Enhance Budget Management and Guarantee Balance between Receipts and Payments 加强预算管理确保经费收支平衡